
Francis Lamotte, Owner, Director |
Article - Changes in iOS-13 Boost NFC Popularity (EENews) Article - Replacing user interfaces with mobile apps mitigates virus transmission (Electronic Products) Article - TapNLink & ST NFC Tag for Your Microcontroller, This is Instant IoT for All! Interview - IoTize Rejuvinates Legacy Systems with Smartphone-Compatibility Interview (fr) - (français) IoTize optimise la connectivité sans contact Article - Building eye-catching GUIs for MCU applications |
Francis Lamotte is the founder and President of IoTize - a technology start up based in the French Alps. With more than 25 years of R&D experience with partners that include the STMicroelectronics and NXP, Francis created the 'iotize' concept and the engineering team that created our first products. Previously Francis served as Vice-President and CTO of KEOLABS where he guided the company's R&D efforts in contactless smart card testing. Prior to the merger that created KEOLABS, Francis directed Raisonance, the microelectronic tool company that he founded in 1988. He lead the company through its 24 year-history as its principle technical and business leader. He expanded the company to encompass both hardware and software expertise capable of providing a complete range of application development tools for microcontrollers (compilers, assemblers, debuggers and emulators) and a range of signal analyzers and emulators for testing smart cards and related technologies. Francis Lamotte is the creator of several patents, including the patent for the instant solution for wireless integration now known as Duetware, which is at the heart of IoTize products and seervices today. |