Embedded World '22

Discover Iotize No Code Wi-Fi for STM3é at Embedded World

VIsit Iotize at Embedded World 2022

Did You Miss Us at Embedded World?

Elektor´s Stuart Cording has put together a super round up of video interviews, products and demos from the 2022 edition of Embedded World. Click on the link above to see the complete round up, or scroll down to view the IoTize excerpts as:

9 Questions about IoTize Answered in 1 Minute or Less!  :-)



Embedded World IoTize Value with Stuart Cording
What is IoTize´s value proposition?
What wireless technologies IoTize offers
What wireless technologies IoTize offers?
Which LPWAN technology to choose
Which LPWAN technology to choose?
How will companies transition to IIoT
How will companies transition to IIoT?
How does IoTize help embedded IoT designers
How does IoTize help embedded IoT design?
What is a no code IoT solution
What´s in this IoT No Code solution?
IoTize provides embedded JVM
Why provide an embedded JVM?
IoTize NFC solution for home heating appliances
What brought IoTize to home appliances?
NFC 3-stroke configuration in Lucht heating applinaces
How is NFC used in heating appliances?